Bringing Hope to Immigrants

Working Mission exists to develop a sustainable foundation for international communities, equipping them through intentional relationships, agricultural programs, language and job development.

Bringing Hope and True Community to Immigrants in Middle Tennessee.

Working Mission is a non-profit based outside of Nashville, Tennessee. We work with immigrants, and our mission is three-fold:

Donate Once

Give Monthly


Creating meaningful connections

through intentional relationships and mentorships


Alleviating food

insecurities through agricultural programs


Shaping brighter futures

through language and job development and citizenship preparation

Join us for Fall Festival!

Fall Festival and Corn Maze Flyer

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me."

The New Colossus
Emma Lazarus

By the Numbers



Foreign Born

Residents of the US population


Foreign Born

Residents of the US population


Foreign Born

Residents of Middle Tennessee


Foreign Born

Residents of Middle Tennessee 

Why Working Mission?

Mission: a task that is assigned or begun, a task that is regarded as a very important duty

We believe caring for the overlooked and underserved population of refugee and international communities in middle Tennessee is a mission of high importance, but also a mission that is going to require diligent work if we want to provide dignity, hope and help.

Working Mission was born from the idea of a mustard seed—something that begins its life cycle as an incredibly small, somewhat unnoticed seed that ultimately grows into a large plant and some would even say tree. Understanding that we, on our own, are a small, focused team of people, we pray that something large will grow from this work to impact and sustain the increasing population of underserved people in our communities and beyond.