Our Journey
To say our journey began with reading a book wouldn’t be quite accurate. We had, for a while, been feeling the need to live more intentionally, but looking back now we see that reading Raising World Changers in a Changing World was the catalyst to put our faith into action. While we loved our life, our jobs, and our beautiful, peaceful (mostly—minus the random bulls, goats or sheep that seemed to always escape when Billy was away on work trips) 60-acre farm in middle Tennessee, we began to realize that we were being called to more. More than the American dream. More than comfortable living. More than just loving in word only and not in deeds. We also wanted our three girls to see and experience life in a way that we never had as kids so that their worldview would be shaped by compassion and kindness for those who do not have the freedoms and opportunities we take for granted.
More than the American dream. More than comfortable living. More than just loving in word only and not in deeds. We also wanted our three girls to see and experience life in a way that we never had as kids so that their worldview would be shaped by compassion and kindness for those who do not have the freedoms and opportunities that we take for granted.
"And so here we are, pursuing a life that calls us to live intentionally, to come alongside and bring hope to the refugee and international communities in the greater Nashville area."
Although it took time to work through what exactly living more intentionally would look like for our family, we ultimately ended up selling our farm and moving across the globe to volunteer in the developing country of Papua New Guinea for a little over a year. We were able to work with the national students in a school, provide job training for the adults, and initiate several small-scale agricultural programs for a handful of the locals. That year was the most challenging, eye-opening, sobering, yet beautiful year of our lives. We came back changed. We came back humbled. We came back with a greater capacity to love. But our journey didn’t end once we returned; we didn’t want to settle back into life as we had previously known it. It had never brought us fulfillment before–why would it do that now?
After volunteering with a Nashville based non-profit and working with refugees ourselves, we saw that Nashville has available resources to offer the refugee and international communities, but that there was not much offered outside of the city. Through countless conversations, meetings and research, we also realized that these growing communities are being pushed out of metro-Nashville due to the rising cost of living but with limited resources. These are our neighbors, often overlooked and underserved, and there is a great need to provide hope and dignity to them. So here we are, pursuing a life that calls us to live intentionally, to come alongside and bring hope to the refugee and international communities in the greater Nashville area.
Our Team
Meet our team and the people behind Working Mission.

Billy Miller
Founder & President
Billy was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama. He attended college at Pensacola Christian College where he received a Business Management degree. After college, he relocated to Middle Tennessee where he worked for Newell Brands as well as Amazon. While at Newell Brands, he gained valuable experience leading people along with managing daily operational activities. Upon transitioning to Amazon, he had the opportunity to join the Learning and Talent Development side. This experience has proven to be extremely valuable as he seeks to help others find success in their personal and professional lives.

Dani Miller
Treasurer & Co-Founder
Dani grew up in Louisville, Ky, and after completing her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree in Florida, she returned to work to gain more experience as a cardiac nurse. Eventually, she moved to Middle Tennessee to work as a cardiac arrhythmia nurse. While caring for the needs of others as a nurse and working with teenagers as a mentor have been great blessings in her life, her greatest fulfillment, satisfaction and hardest work comes from pouring into her family as a wife and mother to raise up her three girls.