Intentional Relationships
Working Mission will:
Creating meaningful connections through intentional relationships and mentorships
Conversational English Class
We have initiated a partnership with a local coffee shop to offer a Conversational English class for our international community members in our area. We are providing this opportunity once a month on Thursday evenings and have established a great volunteer group of facilitators who sit down with those in attendance and practice their conversational English.
This provides a great opportunity to both practice their English in everyday conversation and to also break down the barrier of nervousness and hesitation. Many times, through our research, we understand that these communities do not receive the opportunity to interact confidently or comfortably with their American communities, so this provides a safe place to practice with volunteers who are equipped to encourage their development in this area. Food is always a topic of conversation and many of our attendees bring their traditional food from home for everyone to enjoy! We encourage the attendees to bring their entire family for this great opportunity. In addition to Conversational English, we are now offering a few Ladies Only events, such as crafting/art/flower-arranging classes, throughout each semester that will allow us to build greater friendships and mentorships.
Alleviating food insecurities through agricultural programs
Community Garden Project for Underserved People
Out at the farm, we have been able to plant several large gardens. Much of the food grown is being donated both to our target audiences along with several of our key community partners such as Nourish Food Bank. This means the vegetables being grown are helping many people throughout our local community. In our inaugural year, we are projecting to provide the following amount of fresh, sustainably grown vegetables from our gardens:
5,000 pounds of watermelon
3.500 pounds of potatoes
4,000 pounds of edible pumpkins
4,000 pounds of winter squash
In the future, we still have more land available to expand our gardens and to be able to grow more food for our community. We are always open to ideas and any additional help/collaboration in this key area!
Chicken for Eggs and Meat Project
We are also utilizing the farm for those families struggling with food insecurity. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) defines food insecurity as a lack of consistent access to enough food for an active, healthy life (US Department of Agriculture, (2019). Definitions of Food Security. Available online at: The Chicken for Eggs and Meat Projects will specifically seek to alleviate the protein insecurity aspect within the refugee and international community by providing space and techniques that Billy has proven out over his years of farming and raising clean, sustainable meat options.
- Chickens for Eggs: Currently we have approximately 500 laying hens that are beginning to lay eggs. As our egg production increases throughout the year, we are donating eggs both to our immigrant community families and to local food banks. These hens are raised entirely on pasture where they are fed only non-medicated feed and enjoy their days scratching around in the soil, looking for bugs, and soaking up the sunshine. Needless to say, their eggs are some of the best sources for essential nutrients and vitamins that someone can receive! We enjoy the opportunity to put such a high quality product into the hands of those who need them most. We are also looking at a few opportunities to sell some of the eggs through several local food establishments to create and support financial sustainability for Working Mission.
- Chickens for Meat: We take the same approach for raising meat chickens as we do with our layer flock. All of our meat birds are raised on pasture, fed non-medicated feed, and rotated on a daily basis to ensure they always have fresh grass available for them. We utilize these chickens as a great protein source that we can donate to those with food/protein insecurities.
Shaping brighter futures through language and job development and citizenship preparation
English as a Second Language (ESL) Class
We offer ESL classes in multiple locations and on multiple days throughout Rutherford County. These classes are offered free of charge, utilizing an internationally recognized English curriculum called Burlington English which is a standards-based, fully blended curriculum. We offer both beginner and intermediate classes. The beginner class focuses on the basics of the English language and assists the attendees to communicate their basic needs and requests as well as basic grammar skills. The intermediate class focuses more on language development, reading, and writing in the English language. Students not only learn reading and writing, but they also practice important life skills such as registering for their children’s schools, filling out paperwork at the doctor’s office, applying for a job, and job readiness terminology. This aspect will also begin to prepare them for their future needs in terms of citizenship preparation at the appropriate time in their journey.
Citizenship Preparation Class
Becoming a United States citizen provides countless benefits that affect not just the individual applying. It helps to allow families to stay together, to provide more stable communities, and to open up better job, grant, and scholarship opportunities within entire family units. Citizenship Prep covers the basics of American History and Civics and provides an opportunity for attendees to review and complete work both in the class setting but also on their own as homework. The workbook provided can be kept by the participant and used as review prior to their Citizenship Interview once they have completed their application and have scheduled an interview. This class contains mock interviews that provide practice opportunities for applicants prior to their actual future interview for US citizenship. These classes are also offered as a free option for those who have fulfilled the requirements for US citizenship eligibility, and they are offered alongside our ESL classes at the same locations.
Driver’s Permit Preparation
This class is offered as a free option on alternating semesters from our Citizenship Prep classes for those interested in pursuing a Tennessee Driver’s Permit. It teaches the basics of driving in the US and covers topics such as road safety, rules of the road, traffic signs and signals, and others. The class utilizes the Tennessee Comprehensive Driver License Manual provided by There is a course handbook that one of our teachers built to highlight much of the license manual, but to also break down the material into more understandable language and illustrations.