Our Work

Impact Statement:

Working Mission exists to grow and develop a sustainable foundation for the refugee and international communities, equipping them through intentional relationships, agricultural programs, language and job development.


Intentional Relationships


Working Mission will:


Seek to unite refugee and international families with other local individuals and families by creating opportunities to connect through intentional relationships and mentorship that will assist with their resettlement and assimilation

Conversational English Class

We have initiated a partnership with a local coffee shop to offer a Conversational English class for those refugees and international community members in our area.  We will provide this opportunity 2x per month in the evenings and have established a volunteer group of facilitators to sit down with those in attendance and practice their conversational English.

This provides a great opportunity to both practice their English in everyday conversation but to also break down the barrier of nervousness and hesitation.  Many times, through our research, we understand that these communities do not receive the opportunity to interact with their American communities so this provides a safe place to practice with volunteers that are equipped to encourage their development in this area.  Light refreshments will be provided and we have encouraged the attendees to bring their entire family for this great opportunity.


Seek to utilize agricultural programs such as community gardens, a farmer’s market, and animal husbandry projects to aid in basic needs fulfillment, protein insecurities, and supplemental income opportunities for refugees throughout their resettlement process and additionally for the international community as needed


Community Garden Project for Underserved People

We will seek to rent a location that provides both a space for classroom training but also some additional land available to provide a community garden. This community garden will offer assistance to those that both have a desire to raise their own food for their family consumption but also to provide an option to sell some of their goods to provide supplemental income for their family.

The garden will be broken up into specific plots that ensures each participating family has the option to grow the food they desire, to upkeep their own garden area, and to ensure they reap the harvest for their work. We will pay to have the garden plowed at the beginning of the growing season and will also provide tools, seeds, and plants as a part of our assistance with the community garden project.

Chicken for Eggs and Meat Project

We will also utilize the land listed above for those families that are struggling with food insecurity.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) defines food insecurity as a lack of consistent access to enough food for an active, healthy life (US Department of Agriculture, (2019). Definitions of Food Security. Available online at: https://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/food-nutrition-assistance/food-security-in-the-us/definitions-of-food-security.aspx).  The Chicken for Eggs and Meat Projects will specifically seek to alleviate the protein insecurity aspect within the refugee and international community by providing space and techniques that Billy has proven out over his years of farming and raising clean, sustainable meat options.

  • Chickens for Eggs will utilize mobile chicken coops, provided by Working Mission, that enables the laying hens access to fresh grass daily to supplement their nutritional needs to produce eggs. Working Mission will purchase the day-old chicks to kick-start this project for the participating families. We will assist with food cost until the hens begin to lay eggs. The eggs will then provide the family with the needed protein and also allow additional eggs to be sold in their local communities. This will provide supplemental income for the family for other needs and also aid additional families in their community by providing an affordable egg option due to the current rising cost of goods.
  • Chickens for Meat will utilize mobile hoop houses, provided by Working Mission, that enable the Cornish Cross chickens to have access to fresh air and grass on a daily basis. The chicks will be purchased from a local hatchery by Working Mission along with the food for the first batch. Subsequent batches of chicks and food will be purchased by the participant and will utilize the funds from their initial batch to cover their cost. This project will allow the participants to have adequate protein for their families and will also provide additional chickens to sell for supplemental income and to start the next batch of birds. Therefore, this project will not only help in alleviating protein insecurity within the participating family but others in their community as well. Also, it will provide an additional affordable meat option in these communities due to the rising cost of goods.

Seek to utilize industry-leading training and development practices to aid the refugee and international communities by providing resources and or classes for conversational English, English as a Second Language (ESL), and citizenship preparation along with education and job development opportunities to assist in long-term job placement and advancement.

English as a Second Language (ESL) Class

We are planning to offer ESL classes for those individuals that sign-up. We will offer these classes as a free option and provide an ESL Workbook. We will attempt to offer both a beginner and intermediate class if there is enough participation. The beginner class will be based specifically on the basics of the English language and assisting the attendees to be able to communicate their basic needs and request. The intermediate class will begin to focus more on language development, reading, and writing in the English language. This aspect will begin to prepare them for their future needs in terms of citizenship preparation at the appropriate time in their journey.

Additional Education Opportunities

  • Citizenship Preparation Class This class will be offered as a free option for those who have fulfilled the requirements for US citizenship eligibility. It will cover the basics of American History and Civics. It will provide an opportunity for those attendees to review and complete work both in the class setting but also on their own as homework. This workbook will be kept by the participant and can be used as review prior to their Citizenship Interview once they have completed their application and have scheduled an interview. This class will also contain mock interviews as well that will provide practice opportunities for them prior to their actual future interview for US citizenship.
  • Driver’s Permit Preparation This class will be offered as a free option for those that are interested in pursuing a Tennessee Driver’s Permit. It will cover the basics of driving in the US covering topics such as road safety, rules of the road, traffic signs and signals, and others. The class will utilize the Tennessee Comprehensive Driver License Manual provided by tn.gov/safety. This manual will be provided to the participants of the class and will be acquired at the nearest Driver Service Center location.